Isaiah 60:19
“The sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give you light; but the Lord will be your ever lasting light, and your God be your glory.”

When I first read this verse, I skimmed over it because I didn’t see anything really special about it. Going back as I studied through Isaiah made me look more closely at it and really see what it was saying. God is our continual light in this dark world. Just as the sun and the moon shine by night acting as our light, so does the Lord in our lives. When all seems too dark and we are walking blind, the Lord shines and shows us the exact way we need to go. Walking through this world on our own, we are going to be walking blind feeling around for things we might nock into. When we run into something, we are stumbled or we fall and then we have to pick ourselves back up and do it all over again. We are never satisfied with where we are going, so we change direction thinking it will be better the other way. Eventually we get tired and give up, dwelling in the darkness we have put  ourselves in. It doesn’t have to happen this way, we can call upon our Savior in faith and look to Him and He will light and direct our path, we may stumble occasionally, but He will never let us leave His everlasting glory and light that He shines on our lives as we continue to seek Him and present ourselves humbly before Him knowing He is the only way.
In Matthew 4:16 it says, “the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned.” Christ chooses to shine His light on those living in darkness, allowing them to come to Him and find rest in His presence. He is our great light, it isn’t just for some, it is for all. Our Father desires for all of His sheep to come back to Him and walk in His light and under His wing. Being in Montana for the first part of my field time hasn’t been the easiest for me. It is such a privilege to get to work in this side of the ministry and to see what the Lord is doing here and getting to serve and see the lengths that everyone goes to work for the glory of the Lord, but that isn’t what I saw when I came. I saw myself and what I wanted to be doing and the capacity that I wanted to work in, and I was completely focused on myself instead of looking at the Lord and walking in His light that He has set before me. 

He has been teaching me to be content in resting and learning and growing in where he has me and not wishing for the next thing to come faster. He is showing me through His word how to find joy in doing little tasks and helping others even when I don’t understand or I don’t feel like it. He is changing my heart and it is a daily thing of waking up and praying that I would find complete joy and contentment and satisfaction ion in Him and nothing else. My circumstances and my flesh shouldn’t control my day to day, the Lord is at the center of all I do and I do it unto Him, walking in the light that He has set before me, and He is teaching me to be thankful for every little thing I GET to do because He has poured His grace and mercy upon me even though I don’t deserve it. My application for this is to write one thing I’m grateful for every morning in my journal before I start my devotion.
