fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
those who practice it have a good understanding.
praise endures forever!”
does it mean to fear the Lord? This is a question that has seemed to stump me
for as long as I can remember. We always say to fear Him, but no one has ever
really explained what this means. To fear the Lord means to understand His
authority, follow His commandments knowing that they are right, and understand
that He is just in all things. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the fact
that He is our Father and someone that loves us deeply that we forget that He
is righteous and just to punish or to take away. With my earthly father, for
example, I know that my dad loves me and would do anything for me, but I also
know that if I step out of line he will let me know and must discipline me. I
have a healthy fear of him, knowing he loves me, but also knowing that he is my
authority. This is how I view this aspect of fearing the Lord, He loves me and
has a perfect plan for my life, but also will let me know when I step out of
line because He loves me and want to see me follow His commandments. When we
learn to fear the Lord in a loving way, this is when He gives us understanding
and wisdom in situations we are placed in.
find myself forgetting that I have to fear the Lord and not just see Him as
this big cuddly person who only wants to love and encourage me and never punish
me. Then, when He does punish me, I don’t see it as out of love, I see it as
anger and judgement out of hate. I struggle to remember that He is just because
he wants me to grow and dive deeper into my relationship with Him. He is loving
but He is also just. God is revealing to me more and more that those hard times
where He brings something up in me that I don’t want to see and He convicts me
of it, those things are out of love. He loves me, good or bad, He sees the
mountains and the valleys of our lives the exact same way.
application for this is to write down the things God is stirring up in my heart
that I may not like and share them with someone along with how the Lord has
shown me His love through it.
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