Corinthians 12:14-15
the body does not consist of one member, but of many. If the foot should say, ‘Because
I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,’ that would not make it any less
a part of the body.”
heard the comparison of Christians to the body plenty of times in my life, but
just recently I started to understand what that actually meant. It means that
every single person in the body has a part and that every part is important. As
the body of Christ, God gives us different talents and abilities, everyone has
a place. If one person doesn’t do what they are asked by the Lord to do or if
they are ignored in the body of Christ, then it will not function properly. I
struggle with the fact that I am important in the body of Christ, because I’m
not as good at something as someone else is. God has been showing me that just
because I can’t do a certain thing, doesn’t mean that I don’t count in His
family. He gives me a different ability to do something else really well that
someone else may not be able to do. Just because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s
bad or wrong, it’s just the way God made me and the abilities He gave me. If I am
faithful in that then He will bless me with more and he has to remind me of
that daily in my walk with Him. My application for this is to pray every
morning for God to give me confidence in the abilities He has given me.
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