Philippians 4:11
“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.”
            When I think of being in need, I think of beggars on the side of the road, or of people who really don’t have much of anything. I am someone who has never been in need of anything, I’ve wanted stuff, but I’ve never truly been in need of it. What also comes to mind is spiritual need. I am consistently in need of the Spirit, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be content in where He has lead me. Contentment is something the Lord has been working on in me for a long time. I wasn’t grateful for all that I had and especially where I was in life. I thought God had left me in the dust, when in all reality, I was the one who left Him in the dust.

            Physically, I am not in need. I have everything I need provided for me and I’m so thankful for that. My life spiritually is always in more need of the Lord. He is teaching me to be content in where I am and to trust that He knows what’s best. His plan is far greater than mine. While I can’t see what’s around the next corner, God can, and He won’t take me on a path that He can’t get me through. All of the trials we go through are so that we can grow stronger in the Lord and cling tighter to Him. Being content with Him is to be fully dependent on Him, knowing that where He leads, I will follow. He is teaching me to cling to this truth and to be content in Him. My application is to pray for my roommates tonight that we will cling to the Lord and find contentment in Him.
