longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is
doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father
I have made known to you.”
this verse brings me great comfort. Just knowing that the Lord sees me as His
friend is crazy. Never in a million years would I describe myself as God’s
friend on my own. A friend is someone who you trust and that trusts you, you
confide in each other and you do almost everything together. God id always with
me, He is the most loyal and trustworthy friend I will ever have. He has made
known to me all that God has said and promised, ad those things will always come
to pass. We understand that God is working in our lives each and every second
of every day. Jesus will never leave me behind or lie to me or treat me with any
sort of malice, everything he will do in my life is out of love and mercy and
righteous judgement towards us. He will never leave me or forsake me no matter
how many times I mess up or turn from Him. How awesome is that! We have an
eternal friend that knows everything about us and still wants to be there and
bless us.
I don’t
want Jesus to just be a friend to me, but I also want to be a friend to Him. I
want to know more about Him and love Him with all my heart. I want to grab hold
of all He is giving me and run with it under his wing. I know that I will never
be able to do this perfectly, but He desires to help me along the way. I want
to radiate his friendship poured out to me onto others and be that friend to
them. God gives me the ability to be a friend to others that I don’t always
take advantage of. My application for this is to pray that Christ’s light will
encompass me and I will ask my roommates one big way in which I can pray for
them this week.
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