Psalm 61:2
“from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I,”

This is a Psalm of David and it really focuses on being led back to God who is stronger and mightier and so much more solid than anything else we could cling to. The day that I read this Psalm, I was having a really hard day at school. Here in Uganda at the church we help with called Calvary Chapel Entebbe, they have a school called Calvary Chapel Christian School and a few of us have been in classrooms helping the teachers for the past couple of months. I am in the class called Baby Class, which is the first section of kindergarten and the youngest class on campus. Most of the children in there are 3-4 years old and have never been to school before, also a lot of them don’t know much English and are learning it in school only. As I’ve been assisting, it has been hard because of the language barrier and overall culture difference that occurs when you are out in a classroom. A lot of the children tend to see white people as ones who are just fun and they feel as though they don’t have to respect them or treat them the same as they do their Ugandan teacher. As the weeks went on, the kids settled in and were doing really well, there was a bit of trouble with certain kids, but overall it was going really well. The Lord has been allowing me to love these kids in a way that is not from me at all, it is all Him. It has really been teaching me what unconditional love is and how to have eyes that see as the Lord sees. This past week I was feeling weary from doing the same thing every day and never feeling like I was doing anything. One day in class, I was trying to keep the kids under control and two of the kids were very disrespectful towards me and I just lost it. I left the classroom and cried for a little while because I was so tired of the same things happening every day and I felt so done with these kids and this, what felt like, task. During their break/tea time, I went into the kitchen and talked to Noah about how I was feeling and I cried a bit more and He talked to me about unconditional love and to go to the Lord for strength that was not my own because I can’t accomplish it in my own power. As I walked away from that conversation, I prayed to the Lord to sustain me and I flipped to this Psalm and read this verse and knew that it was encouragement and comfort from Him. As I read this Psalm, I was reminded that apart from Him I can do nothing and that even when I’m weary and my heart is faint, it isn’t by my own ability that I go forward, but by my Father’s love and grace bestowed upon my life so that I can do all He has for me. He is so much higher than I and is a solid rock and foundation in this shaky and unstable world. As this day went on after this point, the Lord helped me to look up to Him and not focus on the hard and bad things that happened, but to be encouraged and strengthened in Him. It is so easy to get unfocused and thrown off by little things that happen in our day, but the Lord is teaching me to not let those things move me, but to be fixed on Him and call upon Him because He is the only one who can sustain my soul. My application is to pray for each of my students and my teacher in my class each night individually.
